Bridge aka Contract Bridge

Bridge aka Contract Bridge

Number of Players 4
Similar games: Whist, Spades

Contract Bridge is a sophisticated and widely played card game of strategy and partnership for four players forming two teams. Using a standard 52-card deck, players bid to determine the “contract” — the number of tricks their team must win and the trump suit (if any).

The game is divided into two phases: bidding and play. In the bidding phase, players communicate their hands’ strength and suit preferences. During the play phase, one player (the declarer) attempts to fulfill the contract while the opposing team tries to prevent it. Some hands are exposed during lay while others are hidden. Scoring is based on tricks won, contract success, and bonuses for special achievements like slam contracts or no trump bids.

Contract Bridge blends logic, communication, and skill, making it a favorite for casual and competitive play worldwide. Download the score guide with the link below.

Purchase a game to receive a 4d8 deck of cards, or download the free game and rules below

Deck of Cards



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